Olympic athletes bring awareness to cupping

For many Americans cupping came to national attention during the 2016 Olympics when swimmer Michael Phelps’ back was seemingly peppered with welts. Phelps wasn’t the only Olympic athlete with round marks on their body. American gymnast and fellow Olympian Alex Naddour was also seen with the tell-tale marks of cupping. With any and all means […]

What is Biopuncture?

What is Biopuncture? I get that question frequently. Many people don’t seem to know about this hidden treasure for pain relief and really a multitude of many uncomfortable symptoms. A syringe full of a simple more natural substance may not sound like a cutting-edge medical technique, but a growing number of doctors say biopuncture can […]

Infants and Colic

Natural Remedies to Help Colicky Baby Infants and colic, this can appear to be so tricky! Little tiny babies have such sensitive systems. Colicky pain, constipation, gas pain and spit up can be among the various symptoms that your poor little wee one is suffering with. I had a difficult time with one of my […]


Did you know that in the month of March, people all over the globe are talking about endometriosis? It’s all about awareness! There are millions upon millions of women who suffer with a “difficult period” in virtual silence. Many of these women have endometriosis. Endometriosis can have a devastating effect on women’s lives with pain […]